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Shield Your Home from Nature's Fury: A Must-Read Guide

Donna Story

Real Estate was the perfect choice for Donna because she loves working with people.  Her involvement in the community and industry knowledge help...

Real Estate was the perfect choice for Donna because she loves working with people.  Her involvement in the community and industry knowledge help...

Aug 20 1 minutes read

Natural Disasters: A Reality We Can't Ignore

Nobody wants to think about natural disasters, but like that family member who shows up unannounced, they can strike at any time. The key to dealing with them? Preparation. Not just any prep work, though—we're talking about smart, effective steps to protect your pad and loved ones. Let's get into the nitty-gritty of girding your home against Mother Nature's less pleasant surprises.

Essential Emergency Kit: Your First Line of Defense

Think of an emergency kit as your home's very own superhero gear, minus the cape. What's in this kit? Non-perishable munchies, a gallon of water per person per day for at least 72 hours, first aid supplies, flashlights and a heap of batteries, a radio that's not dependent on your elusive power supply, essential documents packed in a waterproof embrace, some cash (because not everywhere takes plastic), prescribed medications, and let's not forget, personal hygiene items. After all, feeling fresh is half the battle.

Evacuation Plan: Know Your Exit Strategy

Moving out in a hurry isn't just for those awkward breakups. You need a solid plan for when nature tells you it's time to go—temporarily. This includes knowing all the exits of your home, mapping out escape routes from your neighborhood, and deciding where you'll all meet up when it's safe. Plus, have emergency contacts and important addresses at your fingertips, because your phone might decide to take a disaster day-off.

Securing Your Castle

Your home is your fortress, so let's make sure it acts like one. We're talking storm shutters or impact-resistant windows for those tantrum-throwing winds, securing your roof from impersonating a magic carpet, tidying up loose branches that could turn treacherous, keeping your gutters clean (because waterlogging your foundation would be a real party dampener), and tying down anything in your yard that could take flight. Because flying garden gnomes? Not as amusing as they sound.

Flood Defense: Stay Dry

If your home likes to flirt with floodwaters, it's time to play hardball. Backflow valves, raising your utilities off the ground, sealing your basement walls, and a sump pump with a battery backup should be on your checklist. Remember, water and homes mix about as well as oil and water.

Power Outages: Keep the Lights On

When the power kisses you goodbye, you'll want a cozy backup plan. A portable generator can be your best friend (just keep it outside and away from windows), surge protectors are like gatekeepers for your electronics, and a stash of batteries will keep your essential gadgets going. A whole-house surge protector? Now that's electricity VIP treatment.

Insurance: Your Safety Net

Insurance might not be thrilling to chat about, but it's as essential as your morning coffee. Make sure your policy fits like a glove with what Mother Nature might throw at your neighborhood. Review it yearly, consider extra flood or earthquake insurance if that's a local hobby, document your belongings like you're a detective, and keep those documents in a safe that laughs in the face of fire and water.

Stay in the Know

Staying informed is your secret weapon. Sign up for local emergency alerts, keep an eye on the weather forecast especially when it looks dicey, and get chummy with your community's emergency plans and routes. Knowledge is power, and in this case, safety too.

There you have it—your guide to dodging nature's curveballs like a pro. Embracing these steps doesn't just mean safeguarding your home; it's about giving yourself peace of mind. Take it from us, a little preparation can go a long way in making sure your home remains your happy place, no matter what the weatherman says.

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